Part III: The Psychic Being after leaving the body, The Debate of Love and Death

The Debate of Love and Death

Sri Aurobindo’s epic poem Savitri is the story of the earth’s evolutionary journey with humanity as the centrestage of a critical struggle and transition from a life of ignorance to the Life Divine. The chief protagonists of this earthly drama are, on the one hand Death that pulls creation towards the dark annihilation and hence a tragic end to all efforts at progress and spiritual ascension. On the other side is Divine Love of which Savitri is the embodiment that labours to lift earth and humanity towards its high divine consummation. The debate of Love and Death describes the different dimensions of this struggle ending with the eventual Victory of Love over Death.


Dr. Alok Pandey Dr. Alok Pandey is a well-known authority on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s writings, especially on the subject of Yoga, Psychology, Education…

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Part III: The Psychic Being after leaving the body, The Debate of Love and Death

calendarimage December 9, 2023

clock 10:00 am - 11:00 am (New York Time)



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