
We are volunteers from all over the world together creating a new approach to values, knowledge and conscious living.
Collaborators: Natalia Pavlovskaya

is an alternative education inspired school that is based on the Integral Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother. It is situated at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram campus in New Delhi.
Collaborators: Dr. Jaynathy Ramachandra

The Purnam Centre has been set up by Auroville Campus Initiative – ACI – to offer high quality transformative educational programs to the world.
Collaborators: Manjo, Divyanshi Chugh

Arogya: practicing classical Ayurveda with sincerity and authenticity. Arogya utilizes the time-tested practices and remedies of ancient sages to heal disease, increase longevity and find inner balance.
Collaborators: Kashyapa Fisher

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur’s (IIT Kharagpur) aim it to be a centre of excellence in education and research, producing global leaders in science, technology and management.
Collaborators: Anuradha Choudry
Collaborators: Gitangali

We bring together the rich tradition of Indian Music and Craft and international academic musicology, sound studies and research, contemporary design and innovation with the unique spiritual, futuristic aspiration of Auroville and its experiment of Human Unity.
Collaborators: Aurelio

Terra Meera is a newly founded Center for Regeneration and Human Potential, born in Croatia. Located in an abandoned valley, Terra Meera pioneers are laying the foundations for a community project dedicated to local and regenerative agriculture in the area.
Collaborators: Dr. Irena Ateljevic

Academy Health Wellbeing promotes self-resilience, peace of mind and growth in consciousness.
Collaborators: Charles and Teresa Baltzell

At Purna Yoga 828, we believe that yoga is more than just physical exercise. Discover how a Purna Yoga® practice can support all of you – body, mind, and spirit.
Collaborators: Letitia Walker

Besides my hands-on work with clients, I write and teach about how simple mindfulness habits lead to health, happiness, and a sense of purpose. In 2020, I authored the book: Change Point: Simplify Your Life, Find Inner Peace, and Do What Matters.
Collaborators: Joan Craig

The Amrita School of Ayurveda pursues a unique path in blending ancient philosophies and science of health by nurturing a better breed of Ayurvedic physicians, professionally world class and mentally equipped to meet the challenges of the modern world.
Collaborators: Dr. Rammanohar

Learn how to train your brain and nervous system so that you can experience the natural, yet extraordinary state of calm, peace, and joyful contentment that we refer to as “open, heartful awareness.”
Collaborators: Jan Maslow and Don Salmon

Sonia Masocco Phytotherapy is a private practice that educates and empowers people in the use of plant medicine. We are passionate about integrative medicine and our practitioners have experience in a variety of healing modalities including: Herbalism, Ayurveda, Aromatherapy, Food as Medicine, and more.
Collaborators: Sonia Masocco

Sunny supports women on their journey to wholeness and becoming their best, most vibrant selves through Ayurvedic Medicine and Wise Woman healing traditions.
Collaborators: Sunny Rose Healey

Jyotisha is a study of the lights in the vault of heaven, but it is also the development and application of the inner light of knowledge and discrimination. Both outer and inner light illumine the mystery of the cosmic patterns and help to align us with nature.
Collaborators: Penny Farrow

Steven Highburger is professionally trained in Vedic Astrology, Hasta, Ayurveda and is a Sanskrit Scholar.
Collaborators: Steven Highburger

Aryan Kumar Bhattacharjee
Aryan is pursuing a B.A. at NYU in Drama and Philosophy. Aryan is interested in the ideas of the Logical Empiricists, the aphoristic mystics of the East and the West and their synthetic confluence in the Mother & Sri Aurobindo.

Dr. Brant Cortright
Dr. Brant Cortright is a professor emeritus with the California Institute of Integral Studies. He is a licensed clinical psychologist with a private practice in San Francisco as well as online. His most recent book is the Amazon #1 bestseller: Holistic Healing for Anxiety, depression and Cognitive Decline.

Matthijs Cornelissen
Matthijs Cornelissen studied Medicine and Psychology in Amsterdam. He is deeply interested in the work of Sri Aurobindo, and when 27, he moved to India where he has lived ever since. At present he teaches the psychological aspects of Sri Aurobindo’s work at SAICE in Pondicherry.

Shakti Balu
Shakti Balu is a musician, songwriter, piano teacher, vocal coach, choir conductor. Graduate of a Musical School (fortepiano) and College in Ukraine. She is a singer and stage performer in classical, jazz, pop music. She conducted a number of concerts in Auroville and India for the last two decades.

Lisa Collins
Lisa Collins is a Natural Health & Wellness educator and a Young Living Brand Partner. She provides essential oil education workshops and has a monthly newsletter: the OilRunner News.

Jean McElhaney
Jean McElhaney is a licensed clinical social worker and professional counsellor who has worked with people experiencing trauma, anxiety, depression and grief. She is also a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communications and facilitates workshops for cultivating empathy and authenticity, navigating conflict and more.

Veronica Pelicaric
Veronica Pelicaric is the Director of Education for Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service. She has been with this organization for 22 years and currently lives in Montreal.

Jared Quek Jian Zhi
Jared Quek Jian Zhi has practiced the Integral Yoga in conjunction with his Christian faith for 20 years. He lives in Singapore and holds two postgraduate degrees from the University of Oxford.

Martha Orton
Martha is a writer and scholar with a PhD in Sri Aurobindo Studies. She has been a devotee of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother for many years, having lived in both the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and Auroville, and is the author of several books including The Quest for Knowledge and Mastery: A Comparative Study of Motivation in the Light of Sri Aurobindo.