New Perspectives: Spirit at Work, Be the Seed of Change

Be the Seed of Change, Dr. Irene Ateljevic (Founder of Terra Meera, Croatia)  

Located in an abandoned valley in Croatia, Terra Meera is a newly founded Center for Regeneration and Human Potential. Founder Dr. Irene Ateljevic describes her vision for the Center as “a  community of change-makers, of people that won’t just stand by and watch our planet die, of people that will come and use this beautiful place as a fertile ground to grow your ideas, as a seed-bank, not only for our fruit trees but for our common vision of a greener and healthier planet. When we add the threats of global climate change, industrial/chemical agriculture, the covid pandemic and its movement restrictions – the need for local resilience becomes imperative.”

In this session, Irena shares her aspirations for Terra Meera, along with the impact the Center has had on her spiritual journey and that of its team members.​


Dr. Irena Ateljevic is Terra Meera’s founderess and visionary. She is an acclaimed academic and researcher in the fields of sustainable development through community and…

New Perspectives: Spirit at Work, Be the Seed of Change

calendarimage March 1, 2025

clock 10:00 am - 11:15 am (New York Time)



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