“But the true essence of sacrifice is not self-immolation, it is self-giving; its object not self-effacement, but self-fulfillment; its method not self-mortification, but a greater life, not self-mutilation, but a transformation of our natural human parts into divine members, not self-torture, but a passage from a lesser satisfaction to a greater Ananda.” Sri Aurobindo, The Synthesis of Yoga, Part I, Chapter IV
Utilizing Sri Aurobindo’s guidance about the true essence of sacrifice, as well as his keys to the understanding of the true meaning of the Veda, we will examine sacrifice in Vedic and Christian contexts in hopes of finding commonality in paths away from ritualistic and often bloody offerings toward spiritual development. How does the contemporary Catholic Mass resemble Vedic sacrifice? What is the way forward in realizing the lived experiences of the rishis and the authentic message of Jesus?
Selby Beebe-Lawson Selby Beebe-Lawson, native New Yorker, performing/visual/literary artist, one-time goat herder, living with her children and grandchildren in Gorham, Maine, is an active member…