Ulrich Mohrhoff

Ulrich Mohrhoff has published numerous papers in Journal of Consciousness Studies, Foundations of Physics, Foundations of Science, International Journal of Quantum Information, etc., as well…

Jonathan Crews

Jonathan Crews Jonathan has practiced and taught meditation, yoga and various Vedic Sciences for the past 45 years and specifically, Vedic Astrology for the last…

Gilbert Picinich

Gilbert Picinich Gilbert has maintained a meditation practice for decades since initiated by a yoga master and as well is a practitioner of several energy…

Dr. Jayanti Ravi

Dr. Jayanti Ravi Dr. Jayanti Ravi is Secretary of Auroville Foundation. A scientist, civil servant, performing vocalist, administrator, thinker and a widely travelled development practitioner,…

Tara Didi

Tara Didi Tara Jauhar is a writer and educationist from Delhi, who has dedicated her life for disseminating the teachings of Sri Aurobindo, who advocated…

Matthew Andrews

Matthew Andrews Matthew Andrews is Co-Director of Śraddhā Yoga and Board President of Auroville International, USA. He has been a student of yoga philosophy in…