India’s Independence Day (age 76)

Sometime in 1920 when the Mother and Sri Aurobindo were in meditation, the Mother reaches a state of consciousness from which she tells Sri Aurobindo “India is free”. Sri Aurobindo asked her how, and she replied: “Without any fight, without a battle, without a revolution. The English themselves will eave, for the condition of the world will be such that they won’t be able to do anything else except go away.”


It takes twenty-seven years for that vision of the truth-plane to actualize itself on the material plane. And it takes place true to the letter. India attains independence on August 15, 1947 which is Sri Aurobindo’s birthday. He takes this coincidence with his birthday not as a fortuitous accident, but as the action and seal of the Divine Force which guides “my steps on the work with which I began life”.

Sri Aurobindo issues a remarkable message expressing his gratification at the significance of the coincidence and describes how certain dreams of his from an early age are being fulfilled or on their way to fulfillment: Five Dreams for India.

Read: His Five Dreams