Integral Yoga, Level I.A.

Radhe · October 19, 2023

In this first series on Integral Yoga, participants are introduced to Sri Aurobindo and the Mother – their lives and collective sadhana, and the founding of the Sri Aurobindo ashram in Pondicherry. Included is an overview of Auroville, the city of Human Unity, and the Matrimandir, the soul of Auroville.

We’ll take an initial look at Integral Yoga, examining its aim and central concepts. Integral Yoga acknowledges and integrates the key truths of many paths, as discussed in: Commonality with Other Paths.

The symbols of Sri Aurobindo’s and the Mother’s reveal the spiritual journey of the sincere seeker and the transformation process necessary for a life divine here on earth. We will explore both symbols in detail and introduce the 12 Living Principles, soul qualities central to the Mother’s symbol.

Lastly, the question ‘What is consciousness?’ is posed. An exceptional contribution by Sri Aurobindo is his answer to this question. Guided by his answer, we’ll take our first look at the structure of the being and its outer layers of consciousness: the mental, vital and physical.

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7 Courses

+31 enrolled
Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 4 Lessons
  • 12 Topics
