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Front Page Forums Practical Integral Yoga How do we recognize the action of Mother’s Force?

  • How do we recognize the action of Mother’s Force?

    Posted by Don on February 20, 2023 at 9:03 pm

    Nagin Doshi: When a sadhak does his work with the right attitude and calls the Mother’s Force into him freely and directly, how does it act to remove his defects?

    SRI AUROBINDO: It acts by

    – awakening the inner consciousness gradually or swiftly,

    – by replacing the principle of ego-service by the principle of service of the Divine,

    – by making him watch his actions

    – and see his own defects

    – and pushing him to rectify them,

    – by establishing a connection between his consciousness and the Mother’s Consciousness,

    – by preparing his nature to be taken up more and more by the Mother’s Consciousness and Force,

    – by giving him experiences which make him ready for the major experiences of Yoga,

    – by stimulating the growth of his psychic being,

    – by opening him to the Mother as the universal Being etc. etc.

    Naturally it acts differently in different persons.



    Sri Aurobindo says the Integral Yoga BEGINS where other yogas end.

    All of the above that Sri Aurobindo has described can be found in the Yoga of the Gita.

    If this is the case, then I have not yet truly begun the Integral Yoga.

    Don replied 1 year, 11 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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