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Front Page Forums Integral Paradigm of Knowledge FOUNDATIONS OF IPK PRACTICES


    Posted by Don on February 17, 2023 at 9:52 pm

    Friday, February 17, 2023

    I’m working on “fleshing out” some ideas based on Vladimir Yatsenko’s collection of exercises/practices related to IPK.

    I’m finding there is much to do in terms of setting the foundation for my understanding of these.

    I just found this from the Mother, and I think it BEAUTIFULLY illustrates the profound difference in attitude between developing a capacity for an egoistic purpose vs developing the capacity as a means of Divine expression:


    QUESTION: Sweet Mother, you have said: “Give up all personal seek- ing for comfort, satisfaction, enjoyment or happiness. Be only a burning fire for progress, take whatever comes to you as an aid to your progress and immediately make whatever progress is required.”

    THE MOTHER: Yes, that’s quite simple! It is very clear!

    QUESTION: Yes, but if I want to progress in sports, for instance, then that would be a personal progress, wouldn’t it?

    Eh? What? In sports? No, the value of the will depends on your aim. If it is in order to be successful and earn a reputation for yourself and be better than others — all sorts of ideas like that — then that becomes something very egoistic, very personal and you won’t be able to progress — yes, you will make progress but still it won’t lead you anywhere. But if you do it with the idea of being open, even in the physical, to the divine Influence, to be a good instrument and manifest Him, then that is very good.

    Don replied 1 year, 11 months ago 2 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Don

    February 17, 2023 at 10:00 pm

    Here is a generally well known comment from the Mother on scientific and Buddhist discipline:

    ….the scientific method of work is a marvellous discipline; and what is curious is that the method recommended by the Buddha for getting rid of desires and the illusion of the world is also one of the most marvellous disciplines ever known on the earth. They are at the two ends, they are both excellent; those who follow one or the other in all sincerity truly prepare themselves for yoga. A small click, somewhere, is enough to make them leave their fairly narrow point of view on one side or the other so as to be able to enter into an integrality which will lead them to the supreme Truth and mastery.


    How beautiful and inclusive this is. We can make use of science, it can be yogic, integrally yogic. We can make use of Buddhist disciplines, they can be yogic, integrally yogic.

    I plan to introduce some extraordinary Buddhist disciplines, which if you follow them with great devotion, you will find your mind slipping into effortless silence within a matter of months. But you have to be utterly devoted to this. Somehwere else – I’m still looking for the reference – the Mother says such disciplines can be an excellent help for the integral yoga.

    Imagine if your mind, your vital, your body could shift effortlessly into a state of utter calm, peace and Silence at any moment. How MUCH that would help in bringing the psychic being forward and opening to the Mother’s Force (yes, opening to the Mother’s Force can theoretically do the same, but ask yourself honestly, has it for you?)

    • Don

      February 17, 2023 at 10:01 pm

      and perhaps, it’s the Mother’s Force inspiring you to consider trying the Buddhist disciplines?

      Perhaps we can let go of these mental distinctions and we may find the realizations and even some degree of transformation far more accessible than our mental ideas and beliefs previously allowed us to consider.

  • La Grace

    February 18, 2023 at 10:37 pm

    Hi Don,

    Your quote from the Mother: But if you do it with the idea of being open, even in the physical, to the divine Influence, to be a good instrument and manifest Him, then that is very good.

    is what it’s all about. Not personal gain and advancement, but being an instrument for the Divine. Love this and it’s very consistent with Ayurveda who views the body, vital and mind as exactly this – instruments for Spirit. Thanks for all the great insights and sharing on this new Forum!

  • Don

    February 20, 2023 at 9:16 pm

    Thank you. It would be interesting to learn more about how understanding our constitution – pitta, kapha, pitta-kapha (this is what I’ve been told is my primary constitution, though with some vatta influence – can help make us better instruments of the Spirit.

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