Part 3 The Spiritual Essence of Religions and their Role in the Future Development of Mankind: The Gita

The Gita can be rightly considered as the quintessence of the Indian spiritual wisdom. It’s focus on action and the principles that govern the way of works make it a book of immense practical spirituality. The Gita played not only an important part in Sri Aurobindo’s own yoga, it can provide a potential base for entering into the yoga of Supramental transformation. This talk will be touching upon these issues with reference to the future evolution of mankind.


Dr. Alok Pandey Dr. Alok Pandey is a well-known authority on Sri Aurobindo and the Mother’s writings, especially on the subject of Yoga, Psychology, Education…

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Part 3 The Spiritual Essence of Religions and their Role in the Future Development of Mankind: The Gita

calendarimage May 20, 2023

clock 10:00 am - 11:00 am (New York Time)



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